Legal Notice


Please take notice that a Public Hearing

Will be held by the Board of Trustees of the

Town of Yates; at the 8 South Main Street,

Lyndonville New York on Thursday,

November 13, 2008, at 7:00 p.m., on the

adoption of a Local Law known as A Local Law

Enacting a Real Property Tax Exemption

for Cold War Veterans, which said Local

Law provides as follows:


Section 1. Legislative Intent


It is the intent of the within Local Law to

adopt a Local Law to provide a qualified

owner an exemption for qualifying

residential real Property from taxation to the

extent of ten percent of the assessed value

of such property which exemption shall not

exceed SIX thousand dollars and in

addition to provide a disability exemption to

the multiple of fifty percent of the

disability rating not to exceed thirty thousand

dollars, all as set forth in Real Property Tax.

Law Section 458-b.


Section 2. Cold War Veterans Exemption


(a) As is authorized by Real Property Tax

Law Section• 458-b, the Town of Yates does

hereby provide that qualifying residential

real property shall be exempt from

taxation to the extent of ten percent of the

assessed value of such Property; provided

however that such exemption shall not

exceed six thousand dollars or the product of

six thousand dollars multiplied by the

latest state equalization rate of the assessing

unit1 or, in the case of a special assessing

unit, the latest class ratio, whichever is



(b) In addition, as is authorized by Real

Property. Tax Law Section 458—b, to the ex-

emption provided b~ paragraph (a) of this

subdivision, where the Cold War veteran

received a compensation rating from the

United States Veterans Affairs or from the

United States Department of Defense

because of a service connected disability,

qualifying residential real property shall

be exempt from taxation to the extent of

the product of the assessed value of such

property, multiplied by fifty percent of the

Cold War veteran disability rating;

provided, however, that such exemption shall

not exceed thirty thousand dollars, or the

product of thirty thousand dollars

multiplied by ~the latest state equalization rate

for the assessing unit, or, in the case of a

special assessing unit, the latest class

ration, whichever is less


Section 3. Effective Date


The within Local Law shall be effective

immediately upon passage subject to Real

Property Tax Low Section 458 b and proper

filing With the Office Of the Secretary of



At such Public Hearing all persons, either

for or against the same, shall be heard.


Brend Donald

Town Clerk

Town. of Yates



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